Station 1: Hunger
Experience: Restlessness | Task: Tell the Truth | Reward: Awareness

Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Station 1: Hunger
There is little more motivating in life than Hunger. It is metahpor that gets to the fundamentals – what you must have in order to live. I use many metaphors in this course; some will speak to you while others might not. Choose the ones that work for you. If Life Force doesn't fit, try current; if channel sounds weird, try download. The web of life is a network, and this course is to help you get connected. Do it your way.
- In what area of your life do you feel restless or hungry today?
- What do you know clearly that you do not want in this area?
- What would happen if you told the truth about that? What's it costing you not to?
- What's missing? What kind of awareness do you need to move forward in this area?
- What’s the problem? Every success story starts here, so get honest and get started.
- How do you define Home in your chosen area? Describe the status quo.
- What is familiar, known, ordered, stable and predictable in this area?
- If you decide to leave Home, what is the worst case scenario? Best case scenario? Most likely scenario?
- Download the WOC QuickStart ebook and explore the different areas of your life to find the gaps.
- If you haven't chosen an area yet to focus on in this course, do it now. It doesn’t have to be perfect or forever, just for the next 90 days. Consider it a practice run.
Check in with your accountability partner. Or find one... in the Facebook group!
Measure your Learning
What awarenesses do you have now that you didn't have seven days ago? List them all. And keep that list going.