Station 9: Breakthrough
Experience: Appreciation | Task: Be Present | Reward: Confidence

A person who is quietly confident makes the best leader.
Station 9: Breakthrough
Whether you're running a startup or recovering a long-lost part of yourself, there are those golden moments when everything comes together and you can see that this is going to work. It's an exciting time and all-consuming, but being present now will remind you the next time around that uncertainty usually bears fruit if you know how to handle it.
- What are you waiting to see show up?
- What needs to shift within you in order to appreciate it for what it is?
- How is this New Thing a unique expression of you?
- When you see where the work is now, how does it compare with your vision? What potential does it have that you couldn't foresee?
- The first signs of change appear here – the invisible becomes visible. This is the peak experience of the creative process; but the work is not finished. Breathe that sigh of relief, and get ready to do the real work.
- How is your original vision present in what you see happening now? What’s different?
- How does this point in the process surprise you?
- What is not yet visible?
- What do people more successful than you do at this point in the process? Choose one person in your field whom you admire and do the research. If you can ask them directly, do so. If not, see what you can find out online.
- Choose three actions you admire in them and model your behavior after them.
- Schedule them into your week.
Check in with your Facebook community or your accountability partner.
Measure your Learning
What have you learned about the creative process by coming this far?
How has this changed your point of view? What will you do differently next time? Write this down.