Station 4: Launch
Experience: Enthusiasm | Task: Leave Home | Reward: Freedom

Behold the turtle, he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.
Station 4: Launch
The idea that you begin to discover and develop in the first quarter is now explored here in Station 4. You are entering Quarter 2 – Exploration, and the work here is research. It takes a lot of power to move you away from that which has been your "normal." Here you give fuel to the force for change you discovered in Station 3.
- What are you enthusiastic about in this area of your life today?
- Where do you feel a new surge of energy or power?
- What are you leaving behind in order to move ahead?
- What does this letting go look like here?
- What does it free you to do next in your life?
- The creative leap is exhilarating. Prepare for it. Then you can let go and enjoy it.
- There are two phases to Launch: 1) Preparation: having a structure and a ground team in place to support you out there. 2) Letting go.
- What structures (systems) and resources do you need to be prepared?
- Who is on your ground team? Who will help you stay on course?
- Take your idea to the Internet. Road test the idea in theory before you invest in it. Find out what other people are doing. Do your research
- List the people in your life you can count on to support you. Who can you be honest with? Who will be your best accountability partners for the future? Ask them.
Check in with your accountability partner or share in the Facebook Community.
Measure your Learning
- Freedom relies on good structure: systems in place, team in place. How do you stack up in this area? What have you learned about what you need to be prepared?