Katherine Robertson-Pilling

Katherine Robertson-Pilling

Every Ending is a New Beginning

A little over 10 years ago, I was at an intersection of endings. In a matter of months, I lost my home, my job and my relationship. I knew it was an important time, but I could not see my way through it. I decided to take a risk, leap into the void. I put all my things in storage and set off on a six-week “walkabout.” I never came back. Trusting the process of my life showed me that it can be trusted. And now 10 years later, I understand the journey I had to take. It is the Hero’s Journey, and we are all on one.

Five years before the release of Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Eat Pray Love, I left the USA on a journey of my own, a six-week solo tour of Europe. It was Autumn 2001. In the aftermath of September 11, the world had stopped in its tracks. And so did I, in the South of France. I swam in the Mediterranean, made friends with strangers, sketched and wrote. The soothing sensuality of the French Riviera began to loosen the grip of my American ambition. My life as I knew it was transformed.

What began for me in 2001 as a six-week European “walkabout” led me to a new life in three countries, a paradigm shift in my business, and a magical first marriage at 52. I am living the adventure. Everyone can. While it need not be geographical, the journey of life is always transformational.

Discovering the Wheel of Creativity

As weeks turned to years, I made a dramatic discovery, at the intersection of The Hero’s Journey and The Artist’s Way. It was a new application of an ancient invention, used throughout history to describe the journey of life. It was the Wheel of Creativity. In Helen Keller’s famous words, “Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” The Wheel of Creativity®:  Taking Your Place in the Adventure of Life offers readers a compass for the adventure.

Learn more about Katherine and her background at www.katherinerobertson.com.