The Big Vision Project On-Demand Online Course
Step by Step through the Wheel of Creativity®
with Katherine Robertson-Pilling
Are you a creative high achiever with a dream project that still eludes you? Even after all you've achieved , do you still long to do something more with your life? Are you unable, no matter how many times you've tried, to complete the one thing that maters most to you?
The Big Vision Project Online Course will take you through step by step through the creative cycle of creating anything new. Whether your project is creative work, a professional project, a social impact program or a vital personal change, here you'll find a groundbreaking proprietary system to structure your project so you can see it through to completion. Don't make your dream wait any longer.
InsideYour On-Demand Online Course
Below is a glimpse into the content in each of the 14 weekly modules in this course:
The 12 stations in the Wheel of Creativity
A Welcome module to get you started
A Closing module to wrap things up
Getting from where you are to where you want to be is a step-by-step journey, and the Wheel of Creativity is your compass.
This video course is your virtual tour of each step on your path to the future you long for. It all begins right here, right now.

Here you'll meet Katherine and learn the three steps to get the most from this course.

Station 2: Appetite
"Aha" is just the start of creating. Here you learn to steer your success with your attention, so you can align your actions with your goals.

Station 4: Launch
The creative leap is exhilarating. Here you learn to prepare yourself for it, so that you can then let go and enjoy the journey.

Station 6: Crisis
Crisis is the doorway to invention. Here you learn how to find the eye of the storm, so you can seize the opportunity that awaits you.

Station 8: Gestation
Some things can't be rushed. Some things take time. Here you learn to take a breath, to wait with the process and see what appears in time.

Station 10: Nurturing
Don't expect too much too soon. Here you learn to protect your fledgling products, to give them safe space to mature and develop.

Station 12: Harvest
Success is the by-product of purpose. Here you learn to complete and release your work, so you can celebrate a full cycle of creativity.

Station 1: Hunger
What's the problem? Every success story starts here, so here you learn to get honest so you can finally get started.

Station 3: Anorexia
Each time you reach for what you've never had, expect to meet resistance. Here you learn to identify what stops you and change your thinking to move ahead.

Station 5: Isolation
Dark times are inevitable. It's what you do with them that determines your outcomes. Here you learn to navigate low points, so you can emerge successful.

Station 7: Conception
Time to downshift. If you want to do something new, you have to go within. Here you learn to listen for what no one else can hear, to find an original idea.

Station 9: Breakthrough
The first signs of change appear here. Here you breathe that sigh of relief, and prepare yourself to do the concrete work of creation.

Station 11: Pruning
Everything that can be done can be done better. The master knows s/he will always be practicing. Here you learn to go the distance, so you can refine your work until it is truly complete.
One cycle ends and another begins. Here you learn how to leverage your new skills, so you can take the wheel of your life going forward.
What students are saying about this Online Course
Victoria Alai, Entrepreneur, Silicon Valley, California
Joshua Kamara, Property Investor and Entrepreneur, Sheffield, England