Private Coaching & Mentoring

Private Coaching & Mentoring



What could you do if you had someone in your corner who kept faith in you when you lost faith in yourself?

An advocate who reminds you who you are and holds you accountable for what you say you’ll do.

A mentor keeps you on target when you get sidetracked and brings you home to yourself when you get caught up in circumstances.

To quote one of my favorite acting teachers, Steven Ivcich,

“I’m not going to teach you anything you don’t already know.”

But I will empower you to know what you know. I’ll ask you the right questions to help you find it. And I’ll give you honest feedback when others in your life won’t.

What is often most needed is most simple: a clear witness. Someone who sees you and hears you – what you’re saying and what you’re not saying. Someone who raises questions that reveal the still small voice within you.


Single Coaching Sessions

A single 90-minute coaching session can help you:

  • See your situation in a new way to get unstuck
  • Break through urgent creative blocks
  • Gain new insights
  • Take your project to the next level
  • Get your creative process moving again

Coaching Packages

Three-month packages of one-hour sessions will help you:

  • Achieve all of the above
  • Reframe your situation over time
  • Overcome long-term patterns
  • Keep yourself accountable for effective, sustainable action

Creative Conversation

Email me to explore whether working with me might be right for you.

Because we need to know whether we’re a good fit, I offer you a complimentary 30-minute Zoom consultation. Cost-free. Risk-free. This allows us to “meet” each other and determine if it fits for us to work together.

*I limit the number of clients I work with individually, so I have a limited number of private coaching slots available.

To learn more about private coaching and mentoring, schedule a half hour in my calendar here.