About The Wheel of Creativity
The wheel is universally accepted as one of humanity’s greatest innovations. It has moved us to places we could not go before, enabled us to travel greater distances and to carry heavier loads. Because of its revolutionary impact on humanity, across cultures and throughout time, the wheel has also become a symbol for the processes of life itself.
I have expanded on the symbol of the wheel to frame life as a creative process. I draw on evidence of this process in science and the arts, in mythology and business. My concept is based on my own experience of being alive as a creative process; and I have validated it over the course of my life, not only with objective research, but also through my interviews and my work with people in all walks of life.
While we usually associate the word creativity with the arts, the creative process is far more fundamental. I see creativity first in Nature; and I see that we are all creating all the time without doing a thing. Expressing our creativity consciously is above all an act of humanity, and the equivalent of the archetypal Hero’s journey. The Wheel of Creativity is a map of that journey.
About Katherine Robertson-Pilling
“I began my freelance career in 1985 as a writer and producer of documentary TV and film. I have been working in the field of personal development – both as a student and a facilitator – for even longer. In 2001, I founded Art & Soul Productions LLC, as a place to bring my creative work and my work in personal development under one roof.

“That same year, I raised the creative bar in my personal life as well when I left home on a walkabout. What I planned as a six-week tour of Europe led me to an inspired new life in three countries, a quantum leap in my business, and a magical first marriage at 52 to an English sea captain. Today I split my time between Nice France, Hayling Island England, and Boulder Colorado.
“The Wheel of Creativity is a proprietary 12-stage methodology, which is the foundation of my work with my clients. My work is to help my clients get in touch with their visions, to connect with their creative life source, and to clarify their visions, and to live their lives in their creative power. I help people connect, create and live creative.”
Katherine Robertson-PillingCreativity Coach, Mentor & Author