Free Resources

Free Resources

Download these FREE resources today.

Each time I share these principles, I see people recognize themselves in the Wheel, learn to trust the process again, and retake the wheel of their lives. These FREE resources are designed to help you see your “Current Location” in the Wheel and to inspire you to keep on moving. Take the first step. Just click the links below.

The Wheel of Creativity® QuickStart Guide

DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE EBOOK TODAY Just knowing where you are in the Wheel can change your life. Get the free QuickStart ebook right now with five steps you can take at home to find your position and take your place. Register your email address and download the QuickStart Guide here.

  The Wheel of Creativity® Compass

DOWNLOAD YOUR WHEEL OF CREATIVITY COMPASS. Change is the new normal, and the Wheel of Creativity is the compass for change. Use it to navigate your creative process in every area of your life for the rest of your life, from the business youre building to the book you’ve always wanted to write.  Register your email address and download the Wheel of Creativity Compass.


CD_Cover_Open_With_CDv2-300x225The Wheel of Creativity® Daily Centering Meditation

A FREE guided meditation to begin your day mindfully… anytime of day. This centering 10-minute meditation guides you through a seven-step process to get grounded and centered. Reconnect yourself with the world around you as you train yourself to direct your attention at will. These 10 short minutes will work wonders to integrate your life, within – mind, body, spirit and heart – and without. Start every day at home with yourself. Download your free Daily Centering meditation here.


CreativeJournalThe Creative Adventure Journal


Life is a creative adventure, and I’m out there on the journey with you. In my popular quarterly e-journal I share my authentic and sometimes unorthodox travel tips for life. Get shortcuts, insights and guidance in your inbox once every quarter. You can trust your process with shortcuts, insights and observations on the adventure of life, to stay true to yourself and create the life you’re here for. Get quarterly access to the Creative Adventure Journal and receive:

  • Feature articles on vital secrets for your creative success
  • Trends, tools and links you can use to respond to life creatively
  • Hot news from The Wheel of Creativity community

Get FREE access to the Journal now.

The Wheel of Creativity® Manifesto Poster

Manifestowithborder This attractive graphic compiles the key principles from all 12 stations in The Wheel of Creativity into a mini-poster you can…

  • put on your fridge
  • hang above your desk
  • stick to your bathroom mirror
  • post anywhere you choose

…to keep you in the spirit of the Wheel throughout the day. Download your free poster here.