What word did you use this year?




We’re three and ½ weeks into the year now.


Are you on track and feeling successful?


Are you already frustrated with yourself?

Do you feel scattered, trying to do too many things at once?

Are you spinning with noble goals, only to end each day further behind?

Do you start things that are really important to you, but never finish them?


Maybe you’re trying to do too many things at once.

Maybe your goals are unreasonable, perfectionistic, vague.

Maybe you’re just distracted.

The New Year’s Resolution has a bad rep lately… a feeling of dread and drudgery and deprivation, especially when you’re three weeks in and not doing so well. But the act of resolution awakens a possibility you’ve never seen.

However you describe your dreams for 2018, dreams only come true when you wake up and do the work to make them real.

The work occurs in four steps.

  1. Your vision is what you can see.
  2. Your intention is what you imagine you’ll do.
  3. Your resolution is what you commit to do.
  4. Your action is what determines your results.

The missing link is ACTION.

Your life stretches out before you like a road, then end of which you can’t see.

  • The RESULT you want to produce is the DESTINATION you choose.
  • THE GOALS (S.M.A.R.T. goals) are the STEPS, the navigation points that determine your course.
  • The ACTIONS you take make up the journey.
  • And those ACTIONS will determine your RESULTS.

Both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, when asked what they attributed their success to, used the same word.

FOCUS. Follow one course until successful.

The empty road, the empty page, the empty mind can stop you in your tracks before you ever begin, especially when you’re surrounded by…

  • Distractions
  • Competing commitments
  • Unclear priorities
  • Vague or non-specific goals
  • Incompletions
  • Clutter
  • Multiplying piles

So this month, to help you make that link, I’m bringing back one of my most popular offers of all time.

The Virtual Studio Day get-it-done session…

Four one-hour segments with live video check-ins in between.

A clear, defined structure to:

  • Set a meaningful goal
  • Focus
  • Take action
  • Get support
  • Be accountable
  • Get it done

Click this link to get your space for the January Virtual Studio Day. Only $79 to change the course of your year.

Get yourself committed. Get it done. And get some momentum for your year.