Podcast Digest - March 2019
We are now three months into the One Minute Message podcast series which airs a new episode every Tuesday. This series started from my desire to give passionate people – thought leaders, entrepreneurs, influencers, change makers and “ordinary people" – a platform where they can be heard.
This is your monthly digest of all the episodes that aired in March. At first it may seem the people they feature have little in common. However, they share one key trait. They are INTREPID! From a couple that braves chaos and darkness to an activist for girls braving deeply entrenched traditions in a completely different culture to a woman taking on the daunting atrocities of human trafficking to a young man who as a teenager decided to take on one of the world’s most competitive real estate markets.
This month’s digest will inspire you to be braver. There is something very emboldening about hearing sentiments you hold dear and close but are often too afraid to voice, being fearlessly echoed by someone else who is winning at life! So what are you waiting for? If you need to feel brave, have a watch. If you want to inspire some bravery, please share. Let us keep the connections going. I would love to read your thoughts in the comments below.

Pratik Moholkar, Pratik Moholkar Properties, UK
Episode 10. March 26, 2019.
Pratik Moholkar, Founder/CEO, Pratik Moholkar Properties
"Choose something you're..." Watch now.

Episode 9. March 19, 2019.
Nanci Regnier, Founder/CEO The Regnier Foundation.
"Right under our noses..." Watch now.

Episode 8. March 12, 2019.
Christine Glidden. Founder/President, Women To Be.
"Girls are the greatest..." Watch now.

Episode 7. March 5, 2019.
Lindsay Carricarte-Jones & Christopher Jones, Founders, Hug Your Chaos Coaching
"Learn how to embrace..." Watch now.
What is your One Minute Message to the world?
My mission is to do all I can to have the message of each of these "ordinary visionaries" goes viral. You can help. If you...