Private Mentoring & Coaching.
To quote one of my favorite acting teachers of all time, Steven Ivcich, “I’m not going to teach you anything you don’t already know.” But I will certainly empower you to know what you know. I’ll ask you the right questions to help you find it. And I’ll give you honest feedback when others in your life won’t.
What is often most needed is most simple: a clear witness. Someone who sees you and hears you – what you’re saying and what you’re not saying. Someone who raises questions that reveal the still small voice within you.
Private sessions (face-to-face, by phone or via Skype) are available by appointment.
Email me to explore whether working with me might be right for you.
Group Coaching & Facilitation.
Kick your shoes off and get down to it.
I love doing groups. I love watching people discover themselves through the minds and hearts of others. When the container is strong and the room is safe, there is no better way to explore, energize and empower yourself. Coaching groups offer you:
- Personal coaching in the company of kindred spirits
- Dedicated space and time to explore your weaknesses and strengths
- Creative activities designed to open you up to meaningful change
- Objective feedback and accountability for project ideas and goals
- A supportive creative community in which to grow
- Extraordinary value for money
These are closed groups, available in person and online, on a first-come-first-served basis.
I’m currently putting together my Autumn 2017 Wheel of Creativity MasterClass, 12-week virtual mastermind and accountability group.
Strategic Planning and Practice in Creative Living.
Wheel of Creativity workshops, currently offered in the US, the UK and France, integrate creative practices, movement, and guided meditation with the principles of the Wheel of Creativity to energize the body, clear the mind and replenish the spirit.
The QuickStart Live
The Wheel of Creativity QuickStart is a single evening designed to give you a first-hand experience of the Wheel of Creativity and an opportunity to produce a breakthrough in your life.
I offer QuickStarts throughout the year in the US, the UK and France. If you’d like to be informed of dates and locations, please click here: Or sign up for the Creative Adventure Journal.
The Creativity DaySpa
A time to take time, in a place that takes time, for a work that takes time. Eight quiet hours of creative exploration, meditation and refocusing will help you rediscover the part of yourself you’ve been missing. Held in beautiful country settings in the South of France, the UK and the US.
Bespoke Events to Address Specific Needs
Every organization – corporate, nonprofit, educational or other – has its own culture. Every group has its personality. I customize my work with groups based on the specific needs, goals and challenges of each.
To apply for a private coaching slot in my calendar or find out about upcoming events, click here…
Or just sign up for my Creative Adventure Journal to get the latest news on upcoming events.