Little drummer boy, may I have a drum rrrrrrrroll, please!

Christmas is upon us, and this Christmas I have a very special for you!

My book is finally finished! [DRUM ROLL NOW!]

In less than two weeks, Amazon and I will make it possible for you to download The Wheel of Creativity: Taking Your Place in the Adventure of Life as a Kindle eBook absolutely FREE. For two days, December 25-26, you can get the eBook before it goes on sale on December 27.

The Wheel of Creativity: Taking Your Place in the Adventure of Life is not just another self-help book promising to make you feel better in your life. Life is filled with obstacles and challenges, and living it creatively is not designed to always be easy. If you’re tired of your own excuses and others’ empty promises… if you simply want to live more consciously, deliberately and creatively, then this book is for you.

Someone asked me recently why I wrote this book. The answer that pushed its way up through the tears in my eyes was, “I had to.” The ideas in this book were gifts. Developing and sharing those gifts has given purpose to my entire life. This is the adventure that life is meant to be for us all.

While the ideas in this book were gifts, the book is the hard-won product of 56 years of life experience. It synthesizes evidence of creativity in all aspects of life: mythology, science, spirituality, arts, culture and other people’s stories. And it maps the creative process so you can access its power to make every part of your life an adventure.

But the process is not complete until the gift is paid forward, until it’s in your hands.

12 Days of Creativity in 2012

In honor of this big debut and in the festive spirit of the holidays, between now and December 25 I’ll be posting a daily tip on creative living in “12 Days of Creativity in 2012.”

Starting tomorrow, each day until Christmas, drop by the Wheel of Creativity blog for a deep breath of holiday spirit in the midst of the festive flurry.

Let’s live CREATIVE and connected this Christmas! It’s the best gift under the tree!

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** Subscribe to my Creative Adventure Journal to get an invite to a private teleconference to go with your book.