Little Pink Spoon #11 from The Wheel of Creativity

This post is part of a series of excerpts from my forthcoming book. You can read them all in the Little Pink Spoons category. You can get advance notice of the book by subscribing to my Creative Adventure Journal over there to your right.


The Way of the Nomad


When I graduated from Wheaton College with my BA in Psychology, there were new questions to ask, each being some version of, “Where to now?” I stood at the intersection of two paths: 1) I could continue my education and get an advanced degree for the practice of psychotherapy, or 2) I could take the creative route I had always loved but avoided.


Once I had agonizingly ruled out the traditional commercial routes of both paths, someone came into my life just long enough to make the suggestion: “What about movies?” A creative impulse, inspired by someone I have long since forgotten, synthesized two seemingly opposing roads—my love of creative expression and my fascination with the human spirit. I had lived my way into the next step.

Life on the Move

After a year in a Masters program in broadcasting, with core skills and experience, I left school. I began weaving my way through the world with my creative process in my handbag, in search of a job. I was already a nomad.

Though it would be years before I would recognize it, knowing what I didn’t want was guiding my life, moving me away from the boxes that didn’t fit to new paths my questions were leading me down. My future unfolded before me as one synthesis after another of seemingly disparate passions. And while I felt lost much of the time, I wasn’t at all.

The Wheel of Creativity can help you to define the nature of humanity and eternity through your own experience, and to give meaning to your place in the stream of life, bridging the shores between the two. It does not require that you believe a certain way, or adopt a creed, or abandon your tradition to benefit from it. By following the principles and practices you learn here, you can:

  • Come to know yourself more intimately than ever before
  • Find and strengthen your authentic connection with the unseen force that flows through us all
  • Develop your capacity to live your life in the joy and power of the creative process
  • Take your place in the adventure of Life’s great unfolding
  • Produce the outcomes in your life that flow from your innermost essence
  • Live the life you dream of

And you?

Q:   Feeling lost?  Aching to take your place in the adventure of Life?  

Q:   How would you live this day differently if you approached it as a creative adventure?

Continued next Monday…

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