You can do this

LizzyArnoldIf you’ve read anything I’ve written, you’ll know I’m all about the process. In my own life, and those of many people I have spoken with, it’s far too easy to become so focused on the product you produce, that you lose sight of the process altogether. And if you’re not enjoying the ride, reaching the destination is an interminable battle.

But when you’re aiming for peak performance, that result at the end means everything. Whether you want to win a medal, break a record, surpass the competition, or just beat your personal best, the greatest challenge in the race to greatness lies within. Winning that inner race takes as much  determination as the outer one. And the muscle that must be trained is the mind.

So this afternoon when I heard British skeleton racer Lizzy Yarnold describe her morning on the day she won the gold medal in Sochi, I wrote it down. “I slept really well,” she said. And then she shared what she told herself before the biggest day of her career.

“You are in control of your own destiny. You can do this.”

I think she proved her point. So I’m going to steal it, use it and share it with you. I hope you’ll use it too. Get out there and…



Excerpt: This afternoon when I heard British skeleton racer Lizzy Yarnold describe her morning on the day she won the gold medal in Sochi, I wrote it down.