
Master Your Mind, Master Your Life: 10 Strategies to Manage the Nuclear Power of your Mind

I’ve long felt that the human mind is like a nuclear reactor. Its energy is almost inexhaustible, with enough power to shape our reality and determine our actions. But, in order for its current to be creative, it has to be managed, controlled and directed. So in this blog post, we’ll explore 10 essential strategies you can use to manage the enormous and untapped power of your mind, so that you can create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

From Dreamer to Doer: 10 Strategies to Get Your Creative Mojo Back

Let’s face it: while the creative process is a large part showing up and doing the work, it’s the magic that makes the final product extraordinary. But the relationship between work and magic is a mystery still unsolved. And moving back into your work after taking time off requires a little something extra. Here are 10 proven strategies you can use right now to re-enchant your creative spirit and restore the magic in your creative work:

A Life Without Regret: A Step-by-Step Guide

Living a life without regret is something that many of us aspire to achieve, but few of us actually accomplish it. It takes a deliberate effort to live in a way that truly nourishes you, one you will be happy with at the end. Here are six milestones you can use to ensure you’re on your path so that you live a fulfilling life and don’t die with regret:

Unlocking the Secrets of Inspiration: A Guide for the Everyday Person

Inspiration is a powerful force that can drive us to achieve great things. But for many of us, finding inspiration can feel like a mystery that eludes us. In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it can be hard to tap into that inner spark that propels us forward. So, how can we understand the process of inspiration in order to  use it to produce more creative work?

Ikigai and the Path from Passion to Purposeful Work

According to the Japanese idea of Ikigai, passion meets purposeful work in the intersection of what you love doing and what you’re good at. When you lay  The Wheel of Creativity on top of the Ikigai diagram, you can see a pathway that takes you, step by step, from passion to purposeful work.