Master Your Mind, Master Your Life: 10 Strategies to Manage the Nuclear Power of your Mind

energetic explosion in bright colors on black background

I’ve long felt that the human mind is like a nuclear reactor. Its energy is almost inexhaustible, with enough power to shape our reality and determine our actions. But, in order for its current to be creative, it has to be managed, controlled and directed. Otherwise, if left unchecked, it can become the fuel for self-sabotage, destroying the possibility of everything we wish for. The good news is that with the right strategies, you can harness the power of your mind to...

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Four Common Denominators of the Innovator’s Attitude # 1: Make Failure Your Ally

Innovator Attitude Make Failure Your Ally

The most successful people in the world – the Elon Musks, the Richard Bransons, the Warren Buffetts – see every problem as an innovation in disguise. They seem to instinctively know how to turn problems into opportunities and opportunities into breakthroughs. So what do they do with failure? Life is change. And innovation is the creative response to change. Getting from how-things-are to how-things-could-be is all about attitude. How do you cultivate the innovator’s...

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