12 Days of Creativity 2012 – Day 5

Christmas is upon us. So each day from now until December 25,

drop by The Wheel of Creativity blog 

for a deep breath of spirit in the midst of the festive flurry.

Let’s be creative and connected this Christmas! It’s the best gift under the tree!


Lean back.

Take a deep breath.

Look up from the screen.




Station 5 and the Wheel of Creativity gives me… I – SO – la – tion

“To navigate you must be brave . . .

and to be brave you must remember.”

                     – Mau Piailug

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that while confidence and optimism will surely visit you in the creative process, they do not necessarily stay for long. The process of creating anything original—whether you are Man Ray in Paris or Cowboy John in Lubbock—requires that you leave what you know. And somewhere along the line, that is likely to make you a bit anxious.

What was I thinking!”

I can’t begin to count the number of times I’ve found myself in this station. More than 20 years ago, when I first got a glimpse of the truth buried deep within me and the possibility that I could live my life in harmony with it my first reaction was fear. Established society does not always take kindly to those who honor their own truth above all else.

But I could also see the possibility of a world in which every person takes their place in the creative unfolding of because they listen and respond to what they know inside. Through every year I have lived since then I have come to see very little else. It’s the vision that inspired me to create The Wheel of Creativity. It’s the courage to stay my own course that changed the course of my life.

The gift of the creative process is that once you’ve left the shore, there is no turning back. The dark night of the soul is part of the cycle, and learning to navigate your way through it will show you strength and resilience you didn’t know you had inside. Find your center deep down in the bottom of the canoe, watch the stars and waves and keep your eye out for signs of land.

This ISOLATION is station 5 in The Wheel of Creativity.

What becomes available to you way out there, far away from all you know?