12 Days of Creativity 2012 – Day 9

Christmas is upon us.

So each day from now until December 25, drop by the Wheel of Creativity blog for a deep breath of spirit in the midst of the festive flurry.

Let’s be creative and connected this Christmas!

It’s the best gift under the tree!


Lean back.

Take a deep breath.

Look up from the screen.




Station 9 and the Wheel of Creativity gives me… FINALLY breakthrough

“You are not accidental. Existence needs you.

Without you something will be missing in existence

and nobody can replace it.

That’s what gives you dignity,

that the whole existence will miss you.”

– Osho


I didn’t plan, when I started this series of posts, to have Breakthrough fall on this particular date. But I can’t think of a better day in history to talk about it. With so many predictions of cosmic metamorphosis pointing here and now, you could just think of today as humanity’s Due Date.

In the Wheel of Creativity, Breakthrough is giving birth to the New Thing. It could be a new screenplay or a new life story, a prototype for a new product or a contract with a new client. The context is less important than the contrast. Something that was not yesterday, is today. The mystery is revealed, and now you have the real baby in your hands, crying for attention.

I don’t know as I write this how all the predictions will manifest in our lives. Perhaps by the time you read this, that question will have been answered. What I do know, and what has been predicted and proven in laboratories from quantum physics to metaphysics, is that the ending of one thing is the beginning of another. The caterpillar emerges from the chrysalis… with WINGS!

This big BREAKTHROUGH is station 9 in The Wheel of Creativity.

What New Thing will you commit to usher into the new world?