Create a (r)evolution. Start with your own life. Come to Ghost Ranch.

Powerful woman in nature - Ghost RanchWant to change this broken world? Then meet me at Ghost Ranch.

We live in a noisy world. We created technology to give us freedom and it has enslaved us. We are more productive than we’ve ever been, but we are no happier.


For all our Internet connections, we are isolated.

For all our social interaction, we have lost touch.

For all our discontent with the world, we feel powerless to change it.


Caught in the tightening net of materialism, we struggle to remember our unique places in the web of life.

What does it mean to be human in the world today?

What does this precious life mean for you?

What purpose do you serve?


If, in the quiet moments of your noisy life, you find yourself asking these questions, then just S.T.O.P.


Join me this October in the high desert of Northern New Mexico to:

  • Share. Share your dreams in a small group of like-minded and authentic people who seek new meaning for their lives.
  • Think. Take time to get quiet, reflect on what’s most important to you and re-imagine your place in the world.
  • Observe. Discover in one of the Earth’s most spectacular settings how the universal principles of Life move through your life.
  • Plan. Formulate a new vision for your role in co-creating a better world and a new plan your daily life, transformed by the power of purpose.

The Wheel of Creativity, if you don’t know it, is a compass for change. Creativity is life. Life is change. There is no better way to learn to navigate life’s unpredictable changes than to understand the process behind them. So…

Come to Ghost Ranch

Come to Ghost Ranch for the 2017 Wheel of Creativity retreat. Together we will reweave a brighter future… for ourselves and the world… in which we all have a unique role to play.

But please don’t wait. This offer is scheduled to expire on August 25th. Click here to learn more.