Hallelujah! My book has arrived.

The DHL man has just left. I’ve been waiting for him all day. Today at our house he is Santa Claus, and his truck is the sleigh.


My book has arrived!

(Just had to tell somebody!)

What I feel right now is a strange mix of shock, nerves, wonder and awe. It looks so small in my hand, a beautiful compact product made with heart and soul, love and fear, laughter and tears, and a whole lot of hard work.

I could not be more thrilled. You know, that little girl kind of “You mean that’s for me?” delight. To hold it in my hands after all this time—more than 10 years in the making—is to feel the ecstasy of creation after so much sheer effort.

Then come the tears. The exhaustion. The humility. The wonder that something like this could come through me and I could deliver it in to the world.

Then the sense of responsibility: to live up to the possibility, to give it its place in the world, to let it do its work now.

And finally, comes the deep let-go. It will be what it is. I cannot control the process. It will reach those it’s meant to reach and no one else. Will it touch you? I do not know. Time for a new vision with which to begin the next creative process… getting the word out.

One thing is certain: this book is on its way to you. The rest is in your hands.

The Wheel of Creativity: Taking Your Place in the Adventure of Life will be available as a Kindle eBook on December 25, and in print in early 2013. Get one! Fill in that little box for my Creative Adventure Journal for more details.