12 Days of Creativity 2012 – Day 2

Christmas is upon us.

So each day from now until December 25, drop by the Wheel of Creativity blog for a deep breath of spirit in the midst of the festive flurry.

Let’s be creative and connected this Christmas! It’s the best gift under the tree!



Lean back | Take a deep breath. | Look up from the screen. | Relax.

Station 2 and the Wheel of Creativity gives me… an appetite for THAT

 “It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living.

I want to know what you ache for

And if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing.”


These past few months I’ve been with my husband on a small island in England where he has his house. Most of my attention has been on my book and getting it out the door, so I haven’t noticed much, but it’s pretty isolated down here for an American woman who comes and goes. There is a very sweet arts center in the nearby town of Havant, but it’s a long way from London. I’ve been feeling, shall we say, a little dry creatively.

 “Just tell me what you want!”

So our visit this past Saturday to London’s Tate Modern Museum reminded me what nourishes me spiritually and creatively. It was like rediscovering the light deep within myself by seeing it in the world around me. My heart leapt with joy.

Paraphrasing the text of the exhibition “Transformed Visions: New Images of Man,” creativity has to acknowledge and respond to what’s happening around it. Sometime that is beautiful, sometimes it’s catastrophic and often it’s just the everyday. Our response-ability in life is our ability to respond to life authentically. And our appetite for life is what illuminates the road ahead.

Mind the gap.

Some things are clear from the start. Others take time to develop. Sometimes in life all you know is that something’s missing. It often takes time to figure out what it is, and even longer to know exactly what you want to fill the gap.

It could be that you need a bit of down time to reconnect with yourself. Or you might need a heart-to-heart talk with your traveling husband. Or you might need to find creative ways to negotiate with a micromanaging boss.

The hunger of Station 1 will lead you to what you want and appetite will show you what it looks like if you’re listening to the voice within. If you struggle with that, download my FREE Daily Centering Meditation to get started.

Your APPETITE is station 2 in The Wheel of Creativity.

What’s the difference between hunger and appetite?

First Day of Creativity – Hunger