12 Days of Creativity 2012 – Day 8

Christmas is upon us.

So each day from now until December 25, drop by the Wheel of Creativity blog for a deep breath of spirit in the midst of the festive flurry.

Let’s be creative and connected this Christmas!

It’s the best gift under the tree!


Lean back.

Take a deep breath.

Look up from the screen.



Station 8 and the Wheel of Creativity gives me… waiting for gestation


“Vulnerable we are, like an infant.

We need other’s care

or we will suffer.”

– St. Catherine of Siena


Just one day to go until “the end of the world (as we know it).” December 21, 2012 is less than 24 hours away. So many have predicted a change: the Mayans did it, Nostradamus did it, scientists are doing it still. But what kind of change? We all have our interpretations, our theories and our fears. People all over the world are preparing for something, but what remains a mystery.

The creative power of the Life Force is also destructive. This scares us. Energy—which vivifies all-that-is—is freed when old forms dissolve. It is the weightless possibility between old and new. It is destabilizing. Naturally.

The Wheel of Creativity is, above all else, a way of seeing the creative cycles of Life itself. In the grand story of Life’s unfolding, we are small dots on an enormous sketch. Indelible, yet evolving. This transformation called 12/21/12 (or 21/12/12 depending on your GPS readin) is not just something that will happen to us tomorrow. It is something we will participate in. We all play our part in it.

In the creative process, Gestation is a period of waiting, when growth remains mysterious and unseen. To refrain from trying to control the process requires patience and faith. So whether you’re stockpiling food for the apocalypse or buying booze for your end-of-the-world party, take a moment to reflect on your part in this passing moment. This is the preparation to be doing today.

GESTATION is station 8 in The Wheel of Creativity. 

What are you waiting for today, all mystery and shadow still?