12 Steps to Create a Life You’ll Love to Live. Step 1.

12Steps_1cIf you’re reading this post, I would imagine that either you already love your life… or you don’t love your life and are wondering what I have to say about it. Well, thanks for coming along.

This post is the first in a series of 12 in which I will identify the 12 steps I’ve found are required to move from where you are to where you want to be, to live a life you can truly say you love.

I’ve made this journey – from where I am to where I long to be – so many times in so many areas of my life. That’s not to say that there aren’t days when things go wrong, days when I’m frustrated and days when I am just unhappy. While it can’t say that I love my life every day there a many days I do.

But in the journey of my life, as I’ve seen myself go through this process again and again, I’ve identified 12 distinct steps on the road. And that’s what I want to share with you here as I have done in my book, The Wheel Of Creativity: Taking Your Place in the Adventure Of Life.

Step 1: Tell the truth.

The first step is to tell the truth. Station one in the Wheel of Creativity is Hunger. This is a place where you’re not feeling so great; whatever is happening in your life today, which was very comfortable up until now, doesn’t fit anymore. Things aren’t working. It can be discouraging.

It can also be a powerful starting point if you can move yourself from complaining to simply telling the truth. That’s all you have to do. What that gives you is awareness of what’s really happening. “Just for today this is just how it is. And that’s okay.” The truth will set you free. The truth is relaxing. And it leads you naturally to…

Step 2… tomorrow.

Learn more.

For the next 12 days, I’ll share one step each day. To be sure you don’t miss one of the steps, move your cursor up the sidebar on the right and type your email address into the box beneath “Don’t miss a post! Get blog alerts.” I’ll email them to you.

At the end of the 12 days, on September 15th, I’ll also be offering a free half-hour Discovery Call in which you can learn more about the Wheel of Creativity and an in-depth course I’ll be offering this Autumn.