Creating Christmas: Finding Strength in Need

My dear friends,

Since the first time I heard this song (‘Breath of Heaven’ by Amy Grant) it has moved me to tears. I relate to this young woman who humbly asks for strength to go the distance in her life and trust the process.

Every spiritual tradition has its most important stories. Those stories can be told from many different points of view. And each has the power to transform lives for better or worse. This year at Christmastime, it’s Mary’s story I wish to share: a young Jewish girl whose path led her into uncertainty, shame, hardship and pain so that something truly extraordinary might occur in the world.


I hope you enjoy this Christmas video. I believe Mary’s story applies to us all. Each of us has a story of our own, a life path, a destiny, a purpose. We do not always understand why we are called to do what we are, and usually we cannot see where we’re going. But sometimes it’s something we just have to do. This is where to find the true treasure in your life.

So I invite you to listen to the words of the song without the images, reflecting on your own life.

  • What have you been called to do that frightens you?
  • What connects you with the strength to stay on your path?
  • Where does your calling intersect with the needs of the world?

We are the fortunate ones. Many others around this planet today do not have the luxury of self-reflection or fulfillment. Through no fault of their own, they are too busy surviving. Like young Mary was then, they are cold and hungry, alone, frightened, without a place to sleep.

Let’s take a moment to remember the homeless, the hungry, the poor, the frightened, the lonely. Remember the people of Syria, South Sudan, Somalia, the Congo, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Haiti, and countless other places where human beings are barely getting by. Let’s notice those beside us in line and know that they have worries too.

Christmas is more than a season for eating, spending, opening gifts and making merry. It is also a time to celebrate the indomitable force of Life itself and what can be created in the world when we surrender to what calls us.

Right here and now, you can make a difference. Notice the person closest to you in need and just say yes.

Let me know what happens!

Merry Christmas.

With love,
