
Creative Bravery: Four Antidotes to the Fear of Self-Expression

Creativity at its essence sees things differently, asks Why, wants more than this, looks for alternatives, wants change. So Creativity is a threat to the status quo, to the way things have always been. And to follow your creative calling, you’ll have to step out of line.

The Power of Ideas to Change the World… or Not

Have you ever read a book whose pages echo your own experience and validate something you know but have never heard anyone else say? From time to time in my life, I’ve found such a book; and it is for me by far the most exciting kind of book to read. Today I want to share a few words from my 2017 discovery.

Your splendid torch… But what can I do?

Almost daily I hear these words uttered in some form of despair. “But what can I do?” Our world today seems small, yet its problems overwhelm us. This place where global problems meet personal passions is where we discover who we are and why we’re here. IMHO, George Bernard Shaw has always described it best. “This is the true joy in life, the […]

Revolution of Hope. A sincere invitation for all sides.

At the bottom of all my emails is the phrase: “Create a revolution. Start with your own life.” Today many of us in the United States and around the world are feeling the fire of revolution growing within us. We are hurt, angry, sick and tired. What do we do with that? Change is inevitable. Aware […]