The Gift of a Dying Mother: Reflections on Taking Your Turn

Taking your turn, a dying mother's last words

Twenty-seven years ago, as my mother lay dying in her bed, she looked up at me, drew a deep breath and exhaled these words: “I never got my turn.” I was stunned, horrified and heartbroken that a woman of her education, experience and impact would come to the end of her life with that feeling on her heart. As her only child, about to be orphaned, I felt compelled to understand.What did she mean?I was confused and left to draw my own conclusions. How should I interpret her...

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Creative Bravery: Four Antidotes to the Fear of Self-Expression

Closed door in neon hallway

What is your first memory of creative energy?I remember so clearly that night in our family room in Houston. I was about three… and I could feel it. I was dancing around, laughing and waving my arms in the air. But something was different.Suddenly I could feel that the other people in that room were uncomfortable with me, wanted me to stop. What did I conclude? “I’m just too big. I’d better reel in my energy. And quick!” It was a turning point in my life. But it took me...

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