Your splendid torch… But what can I do?

Almost daily I hear these words uttered in some form of despair. “But what can I do?” Our world today seems small, yet its problems overwhelm us. This place where global problems meet personal passions is where we discover who we are and why we’re here. IMHO, George Bernard Shaw has always described it best. “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose, recognized by yourself as a mighty one; The being a force of nature instead of a...

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I could have done more

Two weeks ago, I was in Texas for a family reunion. Driving back to Houston from the reunion in Austin, my cousins and I stopped into a gas station in the town of Giddings. We were on the buckle of the Bible belt when we pulled up in front of the station’s convenience store. As we parked, I noticed a person lying on the ground – half on the sidewalk, half on a stack of big bags of corn. I couldn’t tell if this dark-skinned person – dirty and unkempt, seemingly...

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walk softly and take a deep breath

I am having trouble with my downstairs neighbor. He would say he is having trouble with me. He has complained that I am too noisy, primarily that he can’t take my walking back and forth in my apartment (which I do a lot, as I work at home). For the past few days, I have been unable to take a step without thinking of him, and wondering if…. My emotions vacillate between anger, worry and catastrophizing. But this morning I had a new thought. The irony of all this is that I...

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