Five Top Reasons Not to Be Creative… and Their Antidotes

Posted on Mar 7, 2011

We all have good reasons to ignore our creative longings.

Five Top Reasons

  1. “I don’t have time to be creative; I have to make a living.”
  2. “I would love to explore my creativity, but all my energy goes to more important things.”
  3. “I can’t afford to get creative; but I don’t have money for supplies.”
  4. “I would love to [fill in the blank], but I’m afraid to try.”
  5. “I admire creative people, but I’m not one of them. I have no talent.”

We invest ourselves in the day-to-day demands of our lives and complain powerlessly about the status quo. Not enough time. Not enough energy. Not enough money. Not enough courage. Not enough talent.

So we live with our dreams still sleeping and our visions unrealized. Books are never written. Businesses are never created. Children are never born. Partners are out there still.

Creativity is no luxury in life. The flow of the creative force is as essential to human beings as sun, air, water and soil to plants. It flows when we say yes to it, and we grow strong and happy and purposeful. When we say no, we lose our connection with Life itself, and we suffer.

Our lives are one-way streets. We wait for the perfect time; what we get instead is older, weaker, poorer, more tired and more fearful. We live with the consequences of our choices.

But our reasons have antidotes.

Five Antidotes

  1. “I am more engaged and effective at work, because I work creatively.”
  2. “I have abundant energy, because all my challenges are creative opportunities.”
  3. “I am generating income through my creative gifts, and loving what I do.”
  4. “I have shed the restrictions of my fear by taking small creative steps.”
  5. “I admire creative people, and I am learning to acknowledge my own talents.”

Easy. Not really. It takes time and energy and courage – and money and talent, to some degree – to change the Status Quo. We need to be inspired and encouraged, and sometimes held accountable. We need the support of others along the way. But life is an altogether different experience when we choose to Live Creative. We cannot afford not to listen to what our hearts are telling us.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”  (John Wolfgang von Goethe)

It’s easy enough to say yes and to start the flow. Take a moment, after the period, to listen to your heart. Now. What are you longing for? Share it now.

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