A Snail’s Place: What it Means to Live Creative

This morning my husband and I went to the supermarket to buy groceries. We worked our way through the store backwards, starting on the side where we usually end up and ending up in the produce section. It was there where this parable grew. While I stood in line to weigh my beetroot Ian was choosing celery. When he handed me the celery bunch for weighing, I noticed that there in the leafy branches was a small snail. I was amazed and awed and joyful to see this living...

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Six Creative Principles from the Dubai Desert

I am visiting my husband in Dubai. I will go home this week knowing many things I didn’t know I didn’t know when I arrived. The people I’ve met, the customs I’ve observed and the limits I’ve confronted in myself have all revealed that life is as powerful a force in the desert as any of the places I live. If you find yourself struggling to maintain a creative approach to the problems you face today, read on for six principles of creativity from the Dubai Desert: C-R-E-A-T-E....

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