Creativity and the Kindness of Strangers

Above Average Underground I’ve been in London this week. Today, a woman in her fifties steps onto the Tube, pulling a suitcase. She carefully wheels her small case between four sets of feet toward an empty seat. The train lurches forward and she loses her balance, falling over her suitcase, out of control, landing on her stomach in the middle of the train car floor. She rights herself and tries to sit up as everyone in the train looks on. I was that woman. The Full...

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Little Pink Spoon #14 from The Wheel of Creativity

This post is part of a series of excerpts from my forthcoming book. You can read them all in the Little Pink Spoons category. You can get advance notice of the book by subscribing to my Creative Adventure Journal over there to your right.     Turning on Opposites Years ago, in a television interview with Bill Moyers, I heard the pioneering mythologist Joseph Campbell interpret the biblical story of creation in the context of archaeological evidence across...

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