The Wheel of Creativity Blog

SPRING SALE. Savings from 75% to 100%. Ends March 31.

Awareness of what you want (that you don’t have) is painful… until you step into that gap and start moving down the road. Come step into that gap with me, and let’s make Spring a new start you will never ever forget. Here are my best offers for you now.

Just Do This. Four Steps to Undo What Stops You and Get On With It Now.

Most of us have something we really want to do that we’re not doing. And it’s uncanny how often these undone things are directly linked to what matters most to us. So, just begin it. Do the next thing. These four steps show you how to undo what stops you.


What word did you use this year? Resolution? Intention? Vision? We’re three and ½ weeks into the year now. So… Are you on track and feeling successful? Or… Are you already frustrated with yourself? Do you feel scattered, trying to do too many things at once? Are you spinning with noble goals, only to end […]

The Power of Ideas to Change the World… or Not

Have you ever read a book whose pages echo your own experience and validate something you know but have never heard anyone else say? From time to time in my life, I’ve found such a book; and it is for me by far the most exciting kind of book to read. Today I want to share a few words from my 2017 discovery.