Five Life Lessons on Money and Meaning (Revisited)

life lessons on money and meaning

This post was first published on March 15th, 2018. But as Money & Abundance have been our theme this past month in my mastermind group, I thought I'd bring it out to share with you here. Somehow it's always a relevant topic, isn't it!Yesterday I had coffee with an old friend here in Nice. We first met in 2010 at my first-ever public presentation about the Wheel of Creativity®. She is a master of Marketing knowledge, and we share common values for human beings and the...

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Five Life Lessons on Money and Meaning

Money and Meaning. Yesterday I had coffee with an old friend here in Nice. We first met in 2010 at my first-ever public presentation about the Wheel of Creativity®. She is a master of Marketing knowledge, and we share common values for human beings and the planet. So we often talk about the intersection of money and meaningful work. In our professional practices, we both see so many of our clients – especially social entrepreneurs – struggle to bring the two together. As we...

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“Do what you love, the money will follow.” The rest of the story.

black box of success

Do what you love, the money will follow. Popularized in the 90s by a self-help book of the same title this idea was then revisited 15 years later in another successful book, The Secret. Ideas like these have led millions of  personal development seekers to believe that all you have to do is change your thinking, and your life will change. But when you do and it doesn’t you’re left wondering, “What did I do wrong?” Too good to be true?  What’s missing in this magic formula...

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Your thoughts become you.

Look around you. Go on… look up from your screen right now and take a look around you. Everything you see – everything in this physical world – got its start with a thought. Someone like you had a problem and looked for a solution to that problem. Because they looked, they came up with an idea for a pen or a phone or a computer or the stand the computer sits on. From their idea they developed a product, they branded it and they marketed it. Then voilà. Somehow...

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