The Wheel of Creativity Blog

too easy to be fun

Last week my husband and I bought our first Nespresso machine. I think I have drunk more espresso drinks this week than I ever have, simply because it is so easy. But, for all the ease and perfection of a Nespresso coffee, there is something missing in it too. For me, that something is the […]

seeds of bliss

Travel, yoga and Houston, Texas – three things I share with the subject of the front-page New York Times article last week on The Yoga Mogul, John Friend. Writer Mimi Swartz strikes a balanced pose on the yoga guru phenomenon inlaid in the economic buckle of America’s bible belt, my birthplace, and his “celebration of […]

nature pours herself a drink

This week, while I am visiting family in Houston Texas, Hurricane Alex is moving across the Gulf of Mexico toward Brownsville, where it is predicted to hit land around midnight tonight. Still hundreds of miles away from here, Alex began having his effect yesterday afternoon. Within minutes, the storm’s high winds had cracked open the […]