
Creativity on the Sidewalk: How to Feather Your Nest

I turned back to see a tiny bird’s nest in the middle of the sidewalk. No bird in sight. I had almost missed it. All we have to do is look to Nature to know that we are creative, and to understand how to live creatively. What materials has life given you to make your nest today?

natural disaster or unnatural balance

Today, as floodwaters sweep people’s lives away in some of the Earth’s most beautiful countries, my heart is swirling with sadness, concern and gratitude. Destruction is an essential part of the creative process of Life. We participate in this process, but we do not control it.

nature pours herself a drink

This week, while I am visiting family in Houston Texas, Hurricane Alex is moving across the Gulf of Mexico toward Brownsville, where it is predicted to hit land around midnight tonight. Still hundreds of miles away from here, Alex began having his effect yesterday afternoon. Within minutes, the storm’s high winds had cracked open the […]