Series: Your Morning Practice

Your Morning Practice #4: Ground Your Actions in Reality

In Part 4 of Your Morning Practice, we’ll look at the fourth and final human system – the Body, the home of your senses and your actions. We’ve looked at the Mind, the Spirit and the Heart in this series so far. Now, we’ll explore in more detail new elements that specifically relate to the […]

Your Morning Practice #3: Channel Your Emotions (Toward Your Passionate Purpose)

Channel Your Emotions Toward Passionate Purpose: part three in a four-part series about the power of a morning practice. A morning practice gives you your own personal development plan for achieving goals in your life at home and work. In the first post I focused on Mindset, your Mind and how to direct your thoughts. Last week’s post covered […]

Your Morning Practice #2: Ignite your Imagination

Ignite your imagination. Part two of my four-part series about the Morning Practice, and 10 elements to start your engines for a productive and creative day. I described in my last post the four integrated systems (mind, spirit, heart and body) of every human being and compared them to the systems of a car. While you can get […]

Your Morning Practice in 10 Strategic Steps. Get a Grip on (the Best of) Yourself!

I love this image because it says so much about the process of innovation. In my last post, you saw this box from the outside… the black box between “Do what you love” and “the money will follow.” This week we go inside to understand how to create a morning practice to train your mind, body, spirit and […]