Make the Change. Be the Change.

CandlesToday is my 58th birthday. How strange it is to think I’ve been around that many years, but I have. And I haven’t wasted a year. I’ve lived a full, rich and exciting life that has led me places I could not even have imagined.

Toward the end of 2013, I found myself waking up in the mornings with aches and pains that made me feel old. But at 58 I’m not ready to slow down. I thought of my friend Wiebke, who at 76 is one of the most vibrant, fit, active women I know of any age. She is my ally on the road, reminding me of what is possible, and I aspire to be just like her.

You create the future you.

25 years ago I had a vision of an 80-year-old woman in a flowing dress with long gray hair. Standing at the end of a road with her arms outstretched, she waved her hands to me as if to say, “C’mon. C’mon.” I recognized the woman as myself, and I’m in relationship with her. What I do today becomes her; who she is, I am becoming. And she is so cool!

I figure I have probably 25 or 30 years left before I meet her, and I have a lot of things I want to do in that time. Many of these things will require me to be strong and fit and active. So I’m starting now.

Project Me.

So one day, at an impromptu lunch with three friends (an Olympic skier/performance coach, a mind-body therapist and a nutritional juicing expert), these words flew out of my mouth: “How would you all like to collaborate on a project? Me!” To create lasting change that would still be with me in 20 years’ time, I knew I needed support. And to my delight, they all said yes.

The next day, I embarked on a fitness program for a very different reason. Unlike the times I had worked to make myself attractive, this time I’m working to make myself strong. And the results are exciting: I’m losing weight, building muscle, eating better, getting more sleep, and making time for relaxation and massage. It is the Wheel of Creativity, the journey of creating myself.

Project You.

As I felt the changes myself, I realized that the program I had created for myself might help others too. I invited my team to formalize the process. And that’s how this program was born: “Make the Change. Be the Change. Four Weeks to Getting it Done With a Winning Team.” We are all so excited!


Don’t Do It… Alone.

What’s next on your agenda? For this year or the next 20 years? Who do you need to be to get it done? Whatever your vision for your own life or for the world, feeling good in your own skin is where it all begins. No matter what it is you want to achieve, this program of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being will support you to make it real.

If you’re interested in knowing more about this life-changing pilot program, click here for more details on the course and how to register for it.