creativity for life

12 Days of Creativity 2012 – Day 7

Once you’ve dared to see what you really want, to stretch out toward it, and let go of what is taking up its space in your life, the roof flies open and the stars come in, each one a seed of ecstasy sowing itself in the soil of your heart.

Life is a Creative Adventure: A Profile

This morning, again, I find myself deeply touched by the creative adventure that life is… from the cradle to the grave. Each day, as I make my pilgrimage to be baptized in the sea, I am privileged to be present for the testimony of another personal story to the beauty of being alive. This morning, there are two.

Creativity is the Force of Life… just say yes!

Having earned my keep as a professional writer for more than 25 years, my hands and fingers are particularly important to me. Twice this week, they have been my teachers. They have reminded me in my very body what I know to be true… that the Creative Force of Life is flowing to me and through me all the time.