Somehow it often feels safer to rest within the boundaries of what we know and understand. But this safety is an illusion, and will eventually be shattered when what we don’t know pierces our safety net. It always does.
Life as a daring adventure
Life does not come with a set of instructions; each of us must find our own way. If you can, with a little help, see your life from a higher viewpoint, you can relax and trust the process just that much more.
awakening the senses
When I lived full-time in the US, I spent most of my time in my head, thinking about life instead of living. Now, I move frequently between France, the US and the UK; and I am discovering myself through their different effects on me.
a crEATivity challenge
The food we eat is our most intimate relationship with Life itself. If you are going to spend your life with another person, you naturally want to know where they come from. Why do we not do the same background check on our food?
a self-made man
August 1 is my father’s birthday. Today he would have been 100 years old. Cecil Moore Robertson was born August 1, 1910 in a small town in Virginia. His father ran the town grocery store. He went to school on the back of a horse drawn cart. At the age of 17 he left school […]
seeds of bliss
Travel, yoga and Houston, Texas – three things I share with the subject of the front-page New York Times article last week on The Yoga Mogul, John Friend. Writer Mimi Swartz strikes a balanced pose on the yoga guru phenomenon inlaid in the economic buckle of America’s bible belt, my birthplace, and his “celebration of […]