The Wheel of Creativity Blog

Escape the Noise to Hear Your Creative Voice.

Have you noticed, with all the technological connections you now have, that you’re feeling less connected? Let’s talk about noise, silence, and an opportunity to hear your own creative voice.   Learn more about this Wheel of Creativity event.   Register here for this event on the Ghost Ranch website.   But don’t wait! Registration […]

Four Common Denominators of the Innovator’s Attitude #2: Give up the Good for the Great.

“Whenever anything is being accomplished, it is being done, I have learned, by a monomaniac with a mission.” – Peter Drucker Richard Branson started an airline because his plane from Puerto Rico to his lover in the British Virgin Islands was cancelled. Mark Zuckerberg created the first version of Facebook to help students find hot dates. […]

“Do what you love, the money will follow.” The rest of the story.

Do what you love, the money will follow. Popularized in the 90s by a self-help book of the same title this idea was then revisited 15 years later in another successful book, The Secret. Ideas like these have led millions of  personal development seekers to believe that all you have to do is change your thinking, and […]