wheel of creativity

Life is a Creative Adventure: A Profile

This morning, again, I find myself deeply touched by the creative adventure that life is… from the cradle to the grave. Each day, as I make my pilgrimage to be baptized in the sea, I am privileged to be present for the testimony of another personal story to the beauty of being alive. This morning, there are two.

Wheel of Creativity Summer Survey Results

I’ve been interested for some time in our assumptions about creativity, where we learn them, and how they define us. Here are the results from an online survey posing eight questions on the matter. If you’d like to learn a bit more about yourself and the creative process, the survey’s still up. Or just visit my blog for the results to date.

What is Creativity: Transforming Suffering into Light

With music as his “weapon of choice,” Emmanuel Jal is doing the real work of the artist in society, transforming his suffering into light. But this work is not for the artist alone. It is for us all. For we all suffer. And the world is in need of light.

My Declaration of Independence: The Right to Create The Future

Rights, even inalienable ones, cost. We may not have paid those costs personally, but someone did. That is what gives them value. Not claiming our rights costs too, as we choose to suffer in relationships, companies and societies where we cannot flourish rather than pay the costs for our personal freedom.

Creativity, Mindfulness and the Malicious Post

Getting trapped in trying to change things that can’t be changed robs us of our power to change what we can. Circumstances are the most powerful partners we have for choreographing our lives. I may have cracked a rib last Sunday night. But, three creative guidelines emerged from that traumatic moment…