The Gift of a Dying Mother: Reflections on Taking Your Turn

Taking your turn, a dying mother's last words

Twenty-seven years ago, as my mother lay dying in her bed, she looked up at me, drew a deep breath and exhaled these words: “I never got my turn.” I was stunned, horrified and heartbroken that a woman of her education, experience and impact would come to the end of her life with that feeling on her heart. As her only child, about to be orphaned, I felt compelled to understand.What did she mean?I was confused and left to draw my own conclusions. How should I interpret her...

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Unlocking the Secrets of Inspiration: A Guide for the Everyday Person

Inspiration is a powerful force that can drive us to achieve great things. But for many of us, finding inspiration can feel like a mystery that seems to elude us. In a world filled with distractions and competing priorities, it can be hard to tap into that inner spark that propels us forward.A research article published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience provides some insight into the science of inspiration. The article suggests that inspiration is linked to increased...

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The Vulnerability of a Creative Vision

Over the years people have told me that vulnerability is my superpower. But recently, I’ve also become aware how reluctant I’ve been. I’ve hidden behind figuring things out, doing things right, working harder than anyone, having a fixed idea of how things need to be. Vulnerability is easier to own as an idea than an actual practice. But it is a powerful teacher.Because in creativity, vulnerability changes everything. Vulnerability according to Brené...

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The Story Challenge: What story do you want to tell with your life?

The Story Challenge 2022

Today is the first day of National Storytelling Week.This annual UK festival runs through February 4th and brings live storytelling to schools, theaters, pubs, town halls and anywhere the public will gather to hear stories told. In the UK, lucky school children will get a chance this week to learn to craft and share their own stories. And it just doesn’t seem fair that we don’t all get that chance. So, in celebration of this inspired event, I’ve put together a...

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The Life In Your Years: Making Meaning in Every Decade

I’m just about to get on a plane after a week in Houston, Texas for my cousin’s 80th birthday. It’s the place where I was born, so I’m thinking a lot about my life to date. I’ve lived six decades so far, and I am moving deeper into my seventh. I hope I have many more, but nothing is certain.Each decade of life brings a developmental task we need to complete in order to move forward in our lives in strength. If any of these tasks are not achieved, we move forward in life...

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