The Wheel of Creativity Blog

Making Creative Choices… Collaborating with Life

Every moment in life is rich with possibility, especially the moments we see as “getting there.” When we are willing to be surprised, willing to be touched, willing to engage, we open the door for Life to come in. Life is always in the street with presents, and it’s looking for collaborators. How we respond is our choice, and that choice can be creative. What gifts have you found in the street today? How are you responding?

The Freedom to Create

“The most important work is theoretical, to have ideas. The rest is trial and error.” Ferran Adrià recognizes that in order to keep your creative edge, you have to be free. You have to upset the status quo.

why create a company?

“To establish a place of work where engineers can feel the joy of technological innovation, be aware of their mission to society, and work to their heart’s content.”

Masaru Ibuka (Co-founder, Sony Corporation)

Seems to me Ibuka had a good idea for the rest of us.

“The soul of creativity is love.”

In the face of myriad marketing messages of love, it is easy to lose sight of its true creative power to change the world. It was Mozart who put it best for me: “The soul of creativity is love… love… love.” In my experience, the love that flows through a creative spirit encompasses every other kind.

Connect. Create. Live.

Isolation may be the modern-day plague, creating a sense of malaise and listlessness that weakens us individually as well as collectively. If each of us simply listened to our own personal longings and acted as if they were the guideposts to our creative paths, the world would be a different place.