The Wheel of Creativity Blog

creativity postcards: The Eden Project

All it takes to change the world is one person with a vision and the commitment to see it through. Creativity is nothing if not this, big ideas sprouting and growing from nothing in small corners all over the world. I have seen dozens of these corners; and they never cease to inspire me. So I have decided to share the best of these with you here – postcards from the creative process – in hopes they will inspire you too.

Creativity is the Force of Life… just say yes!

Having earned my keep as a professional writer for more than 25 years, my hands and fingers are particularly important to me. Twice this week, they have been my teachers. They have reminded me in my very body what I know to be true… that the Creative Force of Life is flowing to me and through me all the time.

invisible creativity: 3 principles for a life worth living

Creativity is the latest buzzword of success literature. When you hear the word Creativity, where does your mind take you next? Beneath all its external applications, I say Creativity is the gem of humanity, buried in the bedrock of our lives. It is up to us to dig it up and put it to use, in whatever ways our lives require.

natural disaster or unnatural balance

Today, as floodwaters sweep people’s lives away in some of the Earth’s most beautiful countries, my heart is swirling with sadness, concern and gratitude. Destruction is an essential part of the creative process of Life. We participate in this process, but we do not control it.

another year… another day

This week, in the afterglow, I have been contemplating the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. It’s a big topic of conversation here in England; seems the young people generally answer yes, while the older ones just say no. I have been a big fan of the idea for years: “Rah Rah, I Resolve.” This year; it doesn’t quite fit. I’m looking for another word.