
Creativity and the Kindness of Strangers

Joseph Campbell spoke of life as a grand opera, and I have always liked that idea. Sometimes you play the savior, and sometimes you play the one who needs saving. It’s easier to be savior, the strong one with all the answers. But it is not enough. The one who needs a hand gives something too.

Co-Creating A Global Tribe

Marketing guru Seth Godin is talking about Tribes. According to Seth, “A tribe is a group of people, connected to each other, connected to a leader and connected to an idea.” What if we could co-create a global tribe based on common character rather than intolerable differences?

What is Creativity: Transforming Suffering into Light

With music as his “weapon of choice,” Emmanuel Jal is doing the real work of the artist in society, transforming his suffering into light. But this work is not for the artist alone. It is for us all. For we all suffer. And the world is in need of light.