The Wheel of Creativity Blog

Creativity on the Sidewalk: How to Feather Your Nest

I turned back to see a tiny bird’s nest in the middle of the sidewalk. No bird in sight. I had almost missed it. All we have to do is look to Nature to know that we are creative, and to understand how to live creatively. What materials has life given you to make your nest today?

Co-Creating A Global Tribe

Marketing guru Seth Godin is talking about Tribes. According to Seth, “A tribe is a group of people, connected to each other, connected to a leader and connected to an idea.” What if we could co-create a global tribe based on common character rather than intolerable differences?

Creativity in Education: The Other Three R’s

In order to succeed in the contemporary world, young people need more than knowledge. They need understanding – about how life works – and wisdom – about how to get through it in one piece. A chasm has developed in learning, and understanding and wisdom have fallen in. Education today is intensely active; but activity is only half the equation; receptivity is the other half.

Resurrection of the Senses: This Creative Life

It’s Easter Sunday, and I decided to go for a walk. Down the quiet tree-covered lane I like to walk, with Life as my close companion, resurrecting me by the senses. Wherever you are today, your world is rich, and your senses are hungry. Unplug. And feed them.