If you don’t make it happen, nothing will happen. Big lie. And one I tell myself way too many days of my life.
Creative Living: Working with the letters you have
What can you spell with 2 Ss, 2 Ns, 2 Ls, 2 Es, 1 O and 1 I? Today I looked for options. And here’s what I found.
Start Your Creative Adventure in London
London Book Launch. This party is a celebration of dreams still being dreamt and plans waiting to be laid down. It is a celebration of what you are here on Earth to do.
Creative Video Journal: What are you pulling?
Today I begin a creative experiment: video journals on what’s going on for me today. Where am I? Where are you in the Wheel of Creativity today?
12 Days of Creativity: A Musical Tour of the Creative Process
What will you create in 2013?
Whatever you want to achieve this year, you’ll go through a creative process to do it. The quality of your life this year depends on how you take that process on. Join me for this sneak musical preview of what that little trip is going to look like.
P.S. It’s the ride of your life!
12 Days of Creativity 2012 – Day 11
Many projects are years in the making. Only the person with the passion has the stamina to see them through. No one can do that for you.