
Little drummer boy, may I have a drum rrrrrrrroll, please!

In less than two weeks, Amazon and I will make it possible for you to download The Wheel of Creativity: Taking Your Place in the Adventure of Life as a Kindle eBook absolutely FREE.

Little Pink Spoon #14 from The Wheel of Creativity

Why say no to eternal bliss? Why would anyone choose endings, limitation, restriction, suffering, and pain? Here is where The Wheel of Creativity begins to turn.

Little Pink Spoon #13 from The Wheel of Creativity

Throughout history, the wheel has been generally recognized as humanity’s first great invention, and it is not surprising that it also became a metaphor for the cycles of life and the processes of growth and change.

Creativity on the Sidewalk: How to Feather Your Nest

I turned back to see a tiny bird’s nest in the middle of the sidewalk. No bird in sight. I had almost missed it. All we have to do is look to Nature to know that we are creative, and to understand how to live creatively. What materials has life given you to make your nest today?