Formula 1 drivers, crews, spectators and fans are gathering in Monte Carlo. But running the race is only half the story. There are times for firing up the engines and times for taking time out. The creative life is much the same.
Creativity on the Sidewalk: How to Feather Your Nest
I turned back to see a tiny bird’s nest in the middle of the sidewalk. No bird in sight. I had almost missed it. All we have to do is look to Nature to know that we are creative, and to understand how to live creatively. What materials has life given you to make your nest today?
Co-Creating A Global Tribe
Marketing guru Seth Godin is talking about Tribes. According to Seth, “A tribe is a group of people, connected to each other, connected to a leader and connected to an idea.” What if we could co-create a global tribe based on common character rather than intolerable differences?
Creativity in the Kitchen: Baking the Bread of Life.
Every one of us has a variety of ingredients in our cupboard: talents, sensitivities, experiences, insecurities, the stuff we make our lives of. Knowing what to do with them makes the difference. Bake the bread.
The 12 Days of Creativity… Day 12.
It is Christmas Day. Whether you worship Jesus as the Son of God, honor him as a great prophet, or question his existence, the message of his birth offers us all a powerful promise.
The 12 Days of Creativity… Day 11.
Artist or athlete, entrepreneur or student, discipline is a friend to all those who succeed. A lot of time is spent here in order to achieve mastery; then the result seems natural and effortless. There are no shortcuts here for sustainable reliable performance.