The Gift of a Dying Mother: Reflections on Taking Your Turn

Taking your turn, a dying mother's last words

Twenty-seven years ago, as my mother lay dying in her bed, she looked up at me, drew a deep breath and exhaled these words: “I never got my turn.” I was stunned, horrified and heartbroken that a woman of her education, experience and impact would come to the end of her life with that feeling on her heart. As her only child, about to be orphaned, I felt compelled to understand.What did she mean?I was confused and left to draw my own conclusions. How should I interpret her...

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Success has 2 personalities: Why you need both

In last week’s post, I asked you to define your success formula and score yourself at the end of the week according to how your activities added up. (If you didn’t see that post, have a quick look and create your own personal formula for success now.)   This week I have four questions for you. What’s your formula? How did you score? Is it working? If not, what’s missing? Success is something you must define for yourself. For the relief worker, it’s saving lives....

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What’s Your Success Formula?

How do you measure success? How do you assess your strategy for life? Is it based on how you feel? How much money you make? How many likes you get on your Facebook posts? “Before you climb that ladder of success make sure it’s leaning against the right wall.” Stephen Covey wanted you take time now to ensure that your life today is taking  you where you want to go. So how to do that? What is the right success formula for you? I first asked myself this question when I...

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Your creative habitat 2: Upgrade the system.

One of my greatest influences among business leaders was Stephen Covey. Author of the book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Covey recognized that your effectiveness in the world begins with you. You are ultimately responsible for the quality of your life, and this begins with your habitat. Years ago I participated in one of Covey’s workshops, called “First Things First.” Weekly planning was framed in the context of the legacy you want to leave in the world when...

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12 Steps to Create a Life You’ll Love to Live. Step 3.

What is it about human beings that has us habitually say No to the things we love the most? You know what you need to do (to feel good in your skin, to take care of yourself, to reach your personal goals, to make a difference in the world) but somehow you don’t do it and don’t do it and don’t it. Or you know what you need to not do, and you do it anyway. Again and again and again. So many of the people I work with say things like: “I just want to...

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12 Steps to Create a Life You’ll Love to Live. Step 2.

What do you think it would take for you to say, “I love my life?” Do you need to make more money, leave your relationship, change jobs, get in shape, find yourself, or finally name your Big Why? Do you need to bring more love to What Is here and now? My own experience is that it’s a little bit of both. Some days, the reality of my life just needs me to love it, just as it is, and make a bit of space with compassion for all the things I cannot change. Other...

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