The Wheel of Creativity Blog

12 Steps to Create a Life You’ll Love to Live. Step 2.

In a world where hunger is kept at bay, its power to give your life direction is bypassed. Only when you allow yourself to sit with the emptiness within can you hear its guidance.

A Snail’s Place: What it Means to Live Creative

Every single thing that happens in your life is an opportunity to create. Every encounter asks you to make a choice. Every encounter changes you. And you have a say in how.

Life is a Creative Process. Trust it.

I went to the beach this morning for swim. The waters were a bit turbulent. And I got to thinking about the difference between trusting the water and fighting against it and what a good metaphor this is for life.

Tied to the Mast: Seven Sirens of Your Creative Journey

Each of us sets out to create something because we felt a longing. And that longing has us do things we would not have otherwise done. Nurturing is that point in the creative cycle when…